

Software engineer


Passionate web developer seeking challenging opportunities in the deployment phase of my career. Dedicated to pushing boundaries and exploring possibilities, I thrive on problem-solving. Eager to learn and grow, I seek a work environment that fosters skill improvement. Currently available for hire.

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About me

Software Engineer and Front-End Developer (ReactJS) from the MENA region. Passionate about creating immersive web applications and constantly seeking to enhance my skillset.
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Programmings languages >

  • JavaScript
  • Typescript
  • Python

Web Frontend >

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • React
  • Bootstrap
  • Sass

Testing >

  • Cypress
  • Jest
  • Vitest
  • Mock Service Worker

Web Backend >

  • Node
  • Express
  • Django

Databases >

  • Mysql
  • Mongodb

Other tools >

  • Git
  • VScode
  • Linux

Human languages >

  • Arabic
  • English

- Students LOG

Students LOG is a user-friendly management system built with vanilla JavaScript, focusing on accessibility and semantic HTML to ensure ease of use for all. It allows users to manage student data efficiently through a modern table interface, supporting all CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. Users can also export data in both CSV and PDF formats for convenience

Vanilla JS Vite Cypress CSS

Live Demo
GitHub Repository

- The Wild Oasis

The Wild Oasis a sleek and accessible hotel management app designed with React, aimed at simplifying the operational needs of hotel staff. Through a user-friendly interface, it facilitates the management of cabins, bookings, and guest details. Additionally, the app using Supabase integration for data management
Please note: If the app fails to log in, it may encounter issues with Supabase integration.

React Query Styled Components React Hook Form Supabase Advanced React Pattern Authentication Charts DarkMode State Management Data Management (Addition/Deletion/Updating)

Live Demo
GitHub Repository

- Jobster

Jobster is a simple and effective tool designed to help job seekers keep track of their applications. It provides an easy-to-use platform where users can organize and monitor the job offers they've applied for. Jobster is built to make the job search process smoother, offering all the features needed to manage applications in one place

React TypeScript Redux Toolkit Styled Components Authentication Charts Data Management (Addition/Deletion/Updating)

Live Demo
GitHub Repository

- World Wise Travel Tracker

World Wise is a user-friendly app designed for travelers to keep track of the places they've visited. It uses Firebase to handle user data securely and efficiently.

React Firebase Authentication State Management Data Management (Addition/Deletion/Updating)

Live Demo
GitHub Repository

- Natours

Natours offers a visually captivating experience with its advanced CSS animations and modern UI, designed to inspire adventure

HTML CSS Modern CSS Animation

Live Demo
GitHub Repository